Well… we’re a week and a half into January and we’re into lockdown 3.0… Don’t get me wrong it was 100% needed it just feels like deja vu again. It definitely feels that we have lived through this all before. It’s nearly a full year since the first lockdown which is just crazy. I literally cannot wait for COVID to piss off or get under control.
All I want to do in my current trimester is swim which we can’t do in lockdown. Here’s hoping the pools open again after lockdown (whenever it actually ends!). I have a feeling that it’s going to be longer than 6 weeks…
I like to have some sort of goals to have in my minds eye to keep me focused. So I’ll be setting myself some goals…
New Year/ New Start/ New Goals
Last year my goals were:
- Gym – workout 3-4 times a week
- Try new things and visit new places
- Getting my cook on
Well the pandemic definitely put a stop to travelling abroad but we managed to visit a few new places in the UK instead and made the most of our new National Trust memberships. We’ve visited more places close to where we live than we had in the 4 previous years of living in Brum. Getting my cook on and going to the gym/ exercising were also going well until my first trimester hit will full force!
This year’s goals:
I’ve decided that this year I’ll take it month by month and see how that goes – hopefully that will allow a bit more flexibility and focus. Especially with a little baby on the way!
With baby on the way we’ve decided that we need to get into shape again. I haven’t been the best when it comes to exercising and I need to get my butt into gear. Tim’s getting back into his running now the gyms are shut and we’ve started going for early morning walks. Partly following on from a family scare it makes you double think things and for us it was making sure we prioritised our health. We know that when baby gets here we’ll be up every couple hours and not sleeping much so if we can get ourselves into a healthier state now it should hopefully help and encourage us to keep it up (or at least walking for me!) when baby is here. We have a fairly balanced diet anyway so it’s the exercise/ moving that we want to improve on.
- Drink more water – I’ve got a new bottle from Amazon with timings which should hopefully help!
- Do some sort of exercise every day – even if this is just a walk to move my body or a bit of yoga
- Eat 5 fruit and veg a day
- Keep chilled – try and keep my anxiety at bay! Easier said than done especially during this pandemic…
- Blog once a week
- Read a book a month (if I can! Or listen to if I don’t have the time to read once baby’s here)
- Reopen my etsy shop to sell paintings
And there you have it! I’m not talking about these goals being there to be ‘New Year, New Me’. We don’t need replacing like you do an iPhone – love the old you and instead ‘improve, evolve, do better’ and ‘head towards yourself and not away’. (Quote from Matt Haig)
We’re still in the middle of a pandemic and ultimately we should be gentle with ourselves. We got through the previous lockdowns and we can do it again! And this time there’s a vaccine being rolled out which we didn’t have before – we’ve got to keep positive! I don’t know about you but I can’t wait for the pandemic and lockdown to be a distant memory as we enjoy meals out with our friends and family or catching up at a party or gathering with a glass of bubbles hugging our nearest and dearest.
So look after yourselves first and foremost especially during this time.