A couple weekends ago we finally got around to going to the Cotswolds for my mum’s birthday. When I was last at Daylesford in the Summer, I got her a Daylesford Bergamot candle and as her pressie said we’d take her out for breakfast and a day out.
I always forget how close the Cotswolds is to us in Solihull. It only took an hour to get to Daylesford so it’s not far at all! It’s such a lovely escape and I love driving through the rolling countryside and quaint little villages. I’ll definitely share my favourite villages to visit in another post!

We left at about 9 and Rory napped for just under an hr in the car and woke up as we got to Daylesford at 10am. Isn’t it great when a plan comes together! We went on a Sunday and decided to get there for when it opened so we could go straight to breakfast. Daylesford gets busy from our experience and we didn’t want to have to queue. Last time we went for lunch in the summer and had to wait about 30 mins for a table. So this time we were prepared! Luckily we were among the first there and got a table straight away. It did start filling up and within half an hr was full!

Daylesford have Stokke Tripp Trapp highchairs which I was pleasantly surprised by! They’re £199 a pop but was a great highchair for Rory to sit in while we had our breakfast. I can see why people rave about them.
The hot breakfast menu focuses on eggs but there is also a bakery menu which we didn’t see until after we’d ordered. My mum and I went for the creamed mushrooms which came with poached eggs on sourdough. It was delish and I polished off the lot along with a ‘b balanced’ cold press juice (apple, cucumber, leafy greens, celery, lemon, ginger) although I have to say I preferred Tim’s cold press juice of ‘b bright’ (carrots, apples, celery, lemon, ginger, ginseng). My dad had eggs benedict and Tim had poached eggs royale. It was all very tasty!

We’d given Rory his porridge earlier in the morning so he had a snack of banana and a cheesy broccoli mini muffin. He was happy enough playing with a toy and eating his snacks in the highchair.
Once we’d finished our tea, we spent the next hour or so browsing the shop and the garden shop next door. It’s such a lovely place which has been beautifully curated. Some one has done their job well and you’ll most likely leave with things you hadn’t been planning on buying! Last time I stocked up on some gorgeous smelling candles and this time we left we a few bottles of Leoube wine which are very tasty!

The flower displays in the garden shop are gorgeous! I wanted to buy them all!

After exploring Daylesford and slightly lighter wallets, we jumped back in the car and drove to Burford Garden Centre. This was another discovery when we visited the Cotswolds last summer which we thought my mum would love! We headed straight to the café and grabbed some tea and scones. Wow! They were tasty and the amount of clotted cream you get is generous – we all had some left over. We gave Rory some lunch we’d packed with us (leftover shredded tomato chicken) and then when we all had full bellies we started exploring.

I loved the Children’s emporium, Little Burford, and the selection of things was fantastic. The walls were covered in prints and animal heads and there was an array of Jellycat cuddly toys and Steiff rocking animals (I love the rocking lion!) and bears <3

We got Rory a safari themed lunchbox and a magic bath book but could have spent a fortune! These Lola & Blake pjswere super cute and the selection of Liewood items was extensive.

We got my dad some bee glasses (similar to these but a glass version not for wine) for his birthday in May and I nearly brought this Kopka wool hat and one of these Jute braided oval rugs! I might have to pop back when we finish our dining room extension and get one for by the bifold doors!

Rory was a little cutie as always and loved this fluffy chair in particular.

Before leaving we popped into the art gallery and walked among all the original pieces of art. I love an art gallery and am currently on the outlook for something to go above our bed.
By 3pm Rory was shattered so we called it a day and made our way home. Next time, we’ll definitely check out the children’s playground which looked like fun.
Until next time,
Cathers xx