Wow it’s been a minute! The last post I wrote was back at the beginning of August! This summer has flown by and a lot of change has been happening! A few months ago I mentioned that I’d handed in my notice at the large accountancy firm I work at and wow the past 3 months have just flown by…
I had my last day on Friday last week and it was definitely an emotional day! I’ve been there for the past 3 and a half years and things have changed a lot in that time! I’m planning on writing a post on change and fresh starts so will save up all my thoughts for then.
Either way… it’s been about 6 weeks since I last wrote a post and it’s been good to have some time off to recoup and I’m now raring to go with lots of ideas for posts.
I’m off this week to chill before starting my new role in internal audit at a large privately owned food company. I’m very excited for a new challenge and change but I’ve been looking forward to this week of no work! I don’t think I’ve had time off in between jobs since I started in the working world 8 years ago and it’s definitely a breath of fresh air.
Anyway! Let me get started on this post which I’ve been meaning to get up on the blog for ages.
Back at the end of July I ventured down to the Cotswolds to visit the Cotswold Lavender Fields and for sure I’ll be back next summer. Tim was revising for his final ACA exams so I took the chance for a little day trip of my own. The weather was awful but that kinda added to the atmosphere. It was a little misty which looked fairly romantic. I set off nice and early and I’d definitely suggest getting there for close to opening time as if it was busy on a rainy day can you imagine what it’d be like on a sunny summer day?!
Make sure to walk the whole way around the fields and don’t just stop at the lavender by the entrance. It was definitely much quieter the further you ventured into the fields so I managed to get some gorgeous pics. The lavender is all at different stages of growth and the week I went they’d started harvesting all the lavender. This process takes a good few weeks and is weather dependent. Next year I think we’ll head there the 1stor 2ndweek of July. (FYI its only open to the public from mid-June until the end of harvest which is usually the beginning of August!)
There’s also some wild flowers which were just gorgeous! The plan is for them to let the area just grow to encourage wildlife and bees. It’s just lovely…
Now I’ll let all the lavender pictures do the talking…
I want this lavender in my life! |
Can you imagine what this view would be like on a sunny summers day?! |
How gorgeous are these wildflowers too?! |
Next year, Tim and I want to go back and take a picnic – we’ll definitely go on a sunny day!
I also would love to get the following types of lavender in my life: Blue Ice, Little Lady, Loddon Pink and Artic Snow – love the pinks, whites and blues!
I finished up my trip with a stop at the shop and grabbed myself a lavender shortbread and some lavender honey as a present. The shortbread was very yummy – I never really think about using lavender in any cooking/ baking but definitely something I’d be open to find out more about.
Keep an eye out for a few more blog posts this week! I’m definitely going to make the most of my down time to catch up.
Until next time,
Cathers xx