Well what a weird month it’s been. I think strange is the perfect word and sums it up well… I feel like we’ve finally gotten into a routine and I’m feeling a bit more settled about it all. Enforced isolation from COVID19 is unlike anything we’ve had to do before and its definitely been a reality shock. The first few weeks I found difficult and hard to concentrate on everything including work – not the best! But I know we’re not the only ones feeling like this and I’m sure others have been feeling stir crazy and feeling like they want to wake up from this bad dream but I know this too shall pass. I cannot wait for the day we can get back to normal and start planning trips and visits to see family and friends. I literally cannot wait to set foot on the beach and sit back to enjoy a frozen strawberry daiquiri…
I hope you’re all staying safe at home and are coping ok.
We’ve been taking the time to get a few jobs around the house done but also making sure we are taking time to actually chill. When are we ever going to get this chance again to slow down and have an excuse to stay in and relax? This time has taught me its ok to have a break and chill and you don’t need to feel guilty for not being on the go constantly. I miss seeing my friends and family and at the beginning I found it hard not having our South of France holiday in May to look forward to. I know lots of people have had holidays cancelled and are stuck at home instead. I’m so grateful to have a job even if I haven’t been feeling motivated and after a few days off tagged onto the Easter weekend I felt so much more focused and ready to crack on at work.
Blog posts you might have missed from March:
What I’m Looking Forward To…
What I’m Grateful For…
Feb Recap// Safari Parks, Surprise Weekends Away and Getting Those Steps In!
Australia: The Great Barrier Reef
So what have we been up to in March… tbh not too much! 4 weeks ago the UK went into lockdown and both myself and Tim have been working from home for 5 weeks which has flown by! We’re so lucky that neither of us have had Corona symptoms since lockdown and really appreciate that we can go out for an hour of exercise each day. Only being able to get out once a day means that we definitely make the most of it and each week so far we’ve aimed to get out for a full hour once a week and for shorter walks during the week.

Before lockdown began we had a few bits going on – tbh it feels like a long time ago. At the beginning of March we saw Lion King in London with my grandparents which was as amazing as I remember it being. Tim even said it was his favourite musical he’s ever seen and its definitely up there for me too! I’m so glad we managed to see it before the lockdown – we were meant to see Mamma Mia next month but it’s been pushed back a yr. I know it’s to keep us all safe but we’ve been looking forward to it for a whole year. Fingers crossed Harry Potter and The Cursed Child still goes ahead in August!
We also had a friends 30th surprise birthday in London – so glad we got a chance to see some friends before the lockdown! It was a fun evening with lots of champers and finger food – yum!

Have you been to Pieminster before? They do a good lunch deal and I’ve been several times before. Again, I’m so glad I managed to catch up with an old work friend before this s*** hit the fan and we enjoyed some pie, mash and some prosecco – mmm J

Another highlight before lockdown was getting into Brum for a bottomless brunch at Siamais. We wanted a bottomless brunch and came across this thai one which ended up being great. You have to pick 1 type of drink so I went for prosecco and Tim went for Mimosas. The food was delish. I started with a duck salad and Tim went for chicken satay. My main was a sweet and hot crispy chicken and Tim had a massaman curry (his fav).

Work has definitely taken a change… we’re now working from home when at least once a month I’ll usually be away visiting one of the sites performing an audit. The week before work made us start working from home I was up near Blackpool which was a bit surreal really. We got a few nice meals in – we went to a yummy Thai called The Zen Restaurant and then Imli for a delish Indian feast.

We also managed to get home and see my parents and youngest brother which I’m so grateful for. We celebrated my brother’s birthday early with the most sugary cake. We got it from Tesco and was covered in so much icing that was quick sickly if you had too much. Either way was nice to celebrate properly with some bubbles and all together.

So that was everything before lockdown… since then our life has revolved around home and keeping ourselves busy. As you can imagine we’ve been watching a lot of tv as I’m sure you have too! We’ve started and watched all of Line of Duty and have started Our Girl. Both have been really good and something different to watch. Would recommend both! We’ve also started Breeders which is a realistic comedy take on a young family. Lots of swearing but again has been a laugh to watch.
We’ve also begun the final series of Modern Family which we love! I can’t believe this is the final series but I guess all good things have to come to an end.
In between work and getting a few house bits and bobs sorted we’ve obviously been eating and baking/ cooking lots. Not too much else to do so making the most of eating some tasty food while we’re at home:
- Homemade burgers
- Chickpea curry
- Cinnamon Apples – I saw this on the Food Medics blog so thought I’d make my own version and have had it on porridge and with yogurt – good made in a pan or on a tray in the oven if you want a very nice and easy option
- Beans on toast
- Eggs Benedict
- Beef ragu rigatoni – recipe from Hello Fresh and something we’d have again
- Nachos

Some sweet treats we’ve baked up:
- Chocolate covered strawberries – something easy and tasty to make best enjoyed with some fizz!
- Caramilk cornflake cakes – we used up the last of our Caramilk from Oz to make these and mmm so good!
- Jam roly poly – sometimes theres nothing better than jam roly poly with alllllll the custard <3

We’ve had a couple takeaways to break up the eating at home all the time. We’ve had fish and chips, Chinese and then an Indian – so good!

As well as lots of hot chocolate that’s been our March – not much going on but doing our bit to stay home and stay safe. Hope you’re all keeping safe at home and before we know it we’ll be back to normal.